Life cycle of fall protection equipment
Please consult for detailed information the dedicated product user manual.
The maximum life cycle is five to ten years from the date of production(1) except in cases where environmental factors(2) and special conditions of use(3) for fall protection equipment apply. An annual inspection done by a competent person(4) (trained for PPE inspections) is mandatory.
- Please consult the information manual to know the correct life cycle of a product.
- Contact with chemical products, poor storage conditions, exposure to strong sources of heat (> 50°C), to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, harsh abrasion, etc…
- Product deterioration, activation due to a fall, mechanical fault, premature wearing, intensity of use. In all cases, our products must be inspected once a year.
- A person who has successfully completed an inspection course and who currently holds a valid inspection certificate.
In all cases, our products must be checked once a year.