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Use classes of filters:

  1. Protection against particles, dust and aerosols:
    • Class 1 (P1 or FFP1) to protect against coarse solid particles without specific toxicity (calcium carbonate).
    • Class 2 (P2 or FFP2) to protect against solid and/or liquid aerosols identified as hazardous or irritating (silica - sodium carbonate).
    • Class 3 (P3 or FFP3) to protect against toxic solid and/or liquid aerosols (Beryllium - nickel - uranium - exotic wood).
  2. Gas/Vapour protection: For fresh air negative pressure breathing
    • Class 1 for a gas content of maximum 1,000 ppm by volume.
    • Class 2 for a gas content of maximum 5,000 ppm by volume.
    • Class 3 for a gas content of maximum 10,000 ppm by volume.
  3. Gas/Vapour protection: For use in assisted breathing
    • Class 1 for a gas content less than 0.05% by volume.
    • Class 2 for a gas content less than 0.1% by volume.
    • Class 3 for a gas content less than 0.5% by volume.


  • The oxygen concentration is less than 17%
  • The concentration of contaminant sis unknown or too high
  • The filter is not suitable for contaminants present